Many of us are big consumers of information available on the Internet, so we use the known aggregators channels, either through desktop applications or via web, allowing them subscription channels and reading those we deem important. But not always find interesting information in our language, so it's necessary to learn other languages, or in the worst case, we want to open those sites and are read in other languages, through various translation tools Existing.
Mloovi, belonging to the same founders of LearnitLists comes to simplify access to information available in a language other than that we could handle, through RSS feeds. This Web service that makes use of Google Translate by creating a new channel rss whose contents appear already been translated into the language desired. That if we have a free version, with advertising within feeds, something that might bring controversy, and a premium version, free of advertisements.
The only thing we have to do, if just the free version, is to indicate the direction that we want to translate the feed, indicating later language in which it is already available through a second drop, choose the language in which we want your translation. Mloovi supports 24 different languages.
Mloovi we offer a new channel rss and some buttons for direct subscription to some aggregators online, and also a permanent link. But if, if we have our own blog, we can make use of Mloovi because it allows us to generate new subscription links to the different native languages, so if we write in Spanish, we subscribe to offer our content in any other language .
Obviously, the translations are not perfect, but if it is a remedy that gives us life in gaining access to content in different languages to handle that.
Track | Read Write Web
Link | Mloovi
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